Underfloor Heating

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Underfloor Heating Services

Our design team can prepare a comprehensive quotation for your Underfloor Heating project. We are happy to quote for any size of project. From small single room to multi-rooms.

We will then be happy to fine tune our quotations as the project develops. If you wish to make changes to the number of zones or the types of control systems we will be happy to assist.

There are many things to consider when designing an underfloor heating system and our team are happy to advise. Main things to consider are:

Pipe spacing – a new build property will normally be set at 200mm spacings as
will a renovation project with good insulation. We have supplied systems at
300mm spacings for passive houses and we have supplied systems as low as
100mm spacings where the customer is running a low temperature system and
wants to ensure the heating will be adequate on the coldest days of winter. We
will be happy to help our customers decide on the pipe spacings they want.

Pipe Loop Length – There is a limit to how long a loop of underfloor heating pipe
can be before it starts to perform poorly.
It is better to use 2 or more loops in a
big space rather than use a single continuous loop. All pipe lengths will be clearly
designed on the final design.

Heating Controls – We offer a large choice of thermostats and control options.
We can supply wired, wireless, and 12V systems as well as providing options that
allow control via a smartphone, tablet or PC. These control systems can be
extended to control other devices in your home including lighting and sockets,
and integrate with most popular smart home apps such as Google Home, Nest,
Heat Miser, Hive, Alexa and Apple HomeKit.

Floor Coverings – Choice of floor coverings are vital in ensuring an underfloor
heating system performs correctly. Our designs always provide information on
the relative heating outputs depending on what floor covering is used.

Our expert designers are fully qualified and experienced and ensure that all calculations, pipe allocations, pipe spacings, pipe layouts, flow rates and heat outputs are correct. If any of these calculations are incorrect the system may not work as it should.
It would greatly assist our designers if you could provide as much information as possible to help us understand your full requirement.